Are you ready to live the life you came here for?
Ascension coaching provides heart-centered guidance to support your healing into Harmonious Twin Flame Union and the life of your dreams.
As a Professional Therapist and Master Ascension Coach, I am able to walk with you throughout every step of your journey to discover the richness within you.
Claim your personalized support below.
Ascension Coaching is a highly spiritual approach that supports the healing of all.​ This healing support is for everyone who desires to attain Harmonious Twin Flame Union and beyond. My personal experience with Ascension Coaching has set my sights on a whole new world which I desire for everyone to experience.
Ascension refers to the process of raising the consciousness, vibration, and being to a higher level of understanding, wisdom, or frequency.
In many spiritual traditions, Ascension involves personal and spiritual growth, as well as the pursuit of enlightenment or Union with the Divine.
Ascension can also be understood as a process of releasing the limitations and attachments of the ego, allowing the individual to experience a greater sense of unity with God and greater harmony with life.
Ascension can be considered as an inner journey towards expansion and spiritual fulfillment, as well as a vision of a collective future in which humanity rises towards higher levels of consciousness and evolution which means a new way of living with more consciousness of our Divinity.
This is the journey of love, and within your heart are all the answers you seek. Allow me to guide you to help you find yourself and connect with your one true love.
Ascension Coaching Session
In our one-on-one sessions, we focus on healing core blocks, those deep emotional, mental, and spiritual patterns that prevent you from progressing in your growth and well-being. Each session is designed to facilitate deep insights and powerful breakthroughs, offering clear guidance on how to cultivate the relationship you desire with yourself and your Twin Flame. Together, we work toward the lasting success of your relationship and your life.
English Group Coaching
My Group Coaching Program aims to guide you towards deep healing and spiritual growth, leading you directly towards your Union with your Twin Flame. This monthly subscription includes 4 sessions of 60 minutes each. In the sessions, you will have the opportunity to connect with others facing similar challenges to yours, and receive mutual support.
Monthly Coaching Subscription
My individual coaching program reflects the potency and transformational power of our one-on-one work, focused on helping you achieve the spiritual vibration of your Harmonious Twin Flame Union, align with your Life Purpose, and open yourself to Prosperity. Each session is designed to lay the foundation for peace, fulfillment, and growth in your divine connection — the sacred bond between you, your Twin Flame, and the Divine.
Spanish Group Coaching
Mi Programa de Coaching Grupal tiene como principal propósito guiarte hacia una profunda sanación y crecimiento espiritual, que te encamina directamente hacia tu Unión con tu Llama Gemela. Esta suscripción mensual incluye 4 sesiones de 60 minutos cada una. En las sesiones, tendrás la oportunidad de conectar con otras personas que enfrentan desafíos similares a los tuyos, y recibir apoyo mutuo.
Lunes 1:30pm - 2:30pm Ecuador
Miércoles 3:30pm - 4:30pm Ecuador
the magic of love will change your life
start your Twin Flame journey today!
Light to your life.
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Ascension Coaching
Spanish Group Coaching
English Group Coaching